Partner of ALPIDEX More Power together

The Bayerische Landessportverband has already recognised the benefits of our products and service. From A for Aikido to air sports and volleyball, the BLSV takes care of everything across all regions.

We are sponsoring partner of the DAV Landesverband Baden-Württemberg. We are happy to support the competitions with high-quality material prizes.

We are a cooperation partner of the Hesse Regional Association of the German Alpine Club. We are happy to support the Hessian Championship Lead and the other competitions with non-cash prizes.

We are cooperation partner of the regional association Thuringia of the German Alpine Club e.V.. We are happy to support the competitions of the regional association with non-cash prizes.

We are a cooperation partner and supplier of the AHAB Academy. You can go directly to the online catalog of the academy here.

We are a member of the UIAA (Union Internationale des Associations d'Alpinisme or International Mountaineering and Climbing Federation), which monitors compliance with their strict safety standards for mountaineering equipment.

Since the promotion of young people is very important to us, we also support the Lower Saxony Gymnastics Youth.

The Austrian Athletics Association also uses our tapes for its athletes.

We are partner of the German Boxing Association e.V.. We are happy to support the association with our products.